Auroralight, LLC warranty covers manufacturing or material defects and workmanship and, in some cases, accidental damage under normal use. Auroralight’s obligation is limited to repair or replacement of products determined by us to be defective.
All Auroralight luminaires carry a Limited Lifetime Warranty that covers material defects, workmanship, accidental damage, glass breakage and socket failure. For LED and related components Warranty, see “LED Light Engine” below. This Warranty does not cover damage caused by improper installation, incidental or consequential damage, expenses, or on site labor; also not included are optional finishes (BLP, Nickel, PVD, Powder Coat, etc.). Intentional misuse, vandalism, or gross neglect shall void all warranties.
All light-producing components (LEDs and Drivers) internal to the fixture shall be warranted for six years (72 months) from the original date of purchase. Failure to operate or damage due to improper voltage/power surge/lightning strike is not covered and will incur charges for repair/replacement. Coverage does not apply to OEM parts sold, but not manufactured by Auroralight, LLC., including but not limited to lamps, optics, accessories (hex baffles, glass filters, etc.), transformers, and external LED drivers. Refer to the original manufacturer’s warranty for details.